Privacy Policy

Last updated in September 2023

1. Who we are

Us, the legal owner and operator of the "Businessverse" Platform, means the commercial company Businessverse, a Romanian legal entity, established as a limited liability company, with its registered office in Valea Mare-Podgoria Village, Ștefănești Town, Morii Street, no.156H. 

The company has the unique registration code 46757823 and is registered with the Trade Register of the Arges Court under number J03/2407/2022.

2. Definition of some terms used

"Beneficiary" - means a legal person, under private law, a professional within the meaning of the provisions of Article 3 of the Romanian Civil Code in conjunction with the provisions of Article 8 of Law 71/2011.

"User" – means a natural person, acting as administrator, an authorized representative or an employee of the Beneficiary and acting in relation to this Platform exclusively as a legal representative/empowered representative/employee of a legal entity that has the title of Beneficiary in this context and operates a user account associated to the Beneficiary's account within the "Businessverse" Platform, exclusively on behalf and in the interest of the Beneficiary.

"Personal data" - means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. The various pieces of information which, taken together, can lead to the identification of a specific person also constitute personal data. This can include different types of data such as full name, address, ID number, IP, device location data, geo-location data or an online identifier.

"Beneficiary Account" - means the digital account, associated with a Beneficiary, by means of which the Beneficiary securely accesses the "Businessverse" Platform and identifies itself in relation to the other Beneficiaries, and by means of which it can use all the services offered by the Platform and included in the purchased tariff plan.

"Account Administrator" – means the first User account registered by a Beneficiary of the "Businessverse" Platform, which has the right to both manage the Beneficiary's account and to send out invitations in order to create additional User accounts or to modify or delete other User accounts associated with a Beneficiary’s account within the "Businessverse" Platform.

"GDPR" - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

3. Declaration of Principles

We, the Owner and legal operator of the "Businessverse" Platform, make every effort to collect and process your personal data exclusively in compliance with the applicable law, mainly represented by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, but also taking into account all relevant decisions, only for the purposes set out in this policy, taking into account the importance of personal data in the current economic and social context for each individual and using best practices in terms of securing your personal data.

4. User Agreement

You, the natural person who is a User, i.e. a legal representative/empowered representative/employee/agent of the Beneficiary and who acts in relation to this Platform exclusively in one of these capacities and exclusively on behalf and in the interest of the Beneficiary, understand and agree, on your own behalf, to accept these rules, referred to as the "Privacy Policy". 

Also, by accessing the "Businessverse" Platform, and by accepting the rules of this policy, you declare that you are 18 (eighteen) years of age or the age at which you are considered an adult in the jurisdiction in which you reside or from which you access the "Businessverse" Platform services, if these differ, that you are not a legal minor, and that you are not restricted in the exercise of your rights or in your capacity to exercise your rights, and that you are not in any other situation in which you cannot validly give your consent. 

To the extent that you do not agree with these rules, you will not be able to access the "Businessverse" Platform and you will not be able to use any of the services made available to the Beneficiaries, it will not be possible to create a User account and to the extent that you create it in violation of these rules, the creation of a User account will not give rise to any obligations for the owner and/or legal operator of the "Businessverse" Platform.

You may withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data at any time by sending us a notification to or to the registered office of the undersigned, and we will discontinue the processing of your personal data except in those situations where our legitimate interest or a legal obligation allows us to continue processing, in which case we will limit ourselves to processing only that data which is necessary for the intended purpose and which is justified by our legitimate interest or an applicable legal provision.

5. How we collect personal data

The personal data of the Users of the "Businessverse" Platform are collected by voluntarily making them available to us by the Users in their capacity as representative/agent/employee of a legal entity that is a Beneficiary of the "Businessverse" Platform. 

The submission of this data takes place upon the creation of user accounts in order to access the services of the "Businessverse" Platform and only as a result of the initiative of the Beneficiary in question, on whose behalf and in whose interest the User is acting, in order to benefit from the services made available to him/her on the "Businessverse" Platform.

6. Exclusion of cookies

We do not collect personal data through technologies known generically as "cookies", whether these are our own cookies or cookies provided and managed by third parties.

Since we have actively implemented the concept of "Privacy by Design" within the Businessverse ”Platform”, authentication within the Businessverse Platform is achieved through the use of a technology generically referred to as "tokenization", using processes that lead to the pseudonomization of personal data that can be used in the process of authenticating users within the Businessverse Platform.

7. Types of personal data collected

In order to create User accounts, you, the legal representative/agent/employee of a legal entity that is a Beneficiary of the "Businessverse" Platform, will have to provide us with the following types of personal data when creating a User account:

  • Full name
  • Business phone number
  • Business email Address
  • Title/Function held within the Beneficiary's structure

At the same time, we may collect the following types of data in the course of your activity on the "Businessverse" Platform through other technologies than cookies:

  • IP address
  • Geo-location
  • Device Id

8. What are the purposes for which we process personal data

We, the legal owner and operator of the "Businessverse" Platform, collect and process Users' personal data for the following purposes: 

the execution of the contract concluded between us and the Beneficiary, represented by the "Terms and Conditions" of use of the "Businessverse" Platform, including the invoicing of the purchased tariff plans;

to propose you to connect with other Beneficiaries/Users of the "Businessverse" Platform and to allow other Beneficiaries/Users of the Platform to connect with you;

verification of the identity of individuals who act as Users that are associated with a Beneficiary's account and the processing of any type of request such as the deletion of a User account, the transfer of the Beneficiary's account administrator status or the deletion of one or more User accounts associated with a Beneficiary’s account;

to protect our legitimate interest in preventing fraud or mitigating the effects of any fraud attempts or to seek the liability of persons who by their actions have caused any damage to the legal owner and operator of the "Businessverse" Platform, our customers or third parties and who could be held liable against us under provision of the law;

for compliance with tax legislation as well as legislation on the prevention and punishment of money laundering or other mandatory regulations or orders of authorities responsible for preventing and combating corruption, tax evasion or terrorism;

improving the services offered through the Businessverse platform;

researching certain socio-economic trends at the economy level, by analyzing business opportunities and data flows associated with economic operators, including the visualization of business opportunity adverts, their accessing, the number of connections of Beneficiaries/Users, the interaction of Beneficiaries/Users within the "Businessverse" Platform, including their distribution by industry, sector of activity or geographical location.

9. Grounds for data processing

Our processing of your personal data is based on the following grounds:

Your consent to the provision and processing of your personal data by us for the purposes expressly stated in this policy;

Our legitimate interest to protect against any situations that may directly or indirectly harm us;

Compliance with relevant legal provisions such as tax legislation, anti-money laundering legislation and other similar provisions that create obligations for us to process personal data on a mandatory basis;

Specific requests from public authorities with competence in suchmatters.

10. How we protect your personal data

In order to protect your personal data, we use technologies that we believe are appropriate, based on known best practices, to securely store these types of data.

We have put in place reasonable physical, technical and organizational measures and procedures to protect and secure the information we collect through the “Businessverse” Platform whether that collection is through our website or through applications specifically designed to access and use of the “Businessverse” Platform. 

All measures taken are aimed at preventing unauthorized or unlawful processing of Users' personal information and at preventing the accidental, unauthorized or unlawful access, use, processing, copying, modification, transfer of Users' personal information or the loss or destruction of or damage to personal information. 

We constantly review and revise our information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures, to protect against unauthorized access to the systems where this type of data is stored, in line with the latest practices and trends in the field.

Access to your personal data is restricted to the employees and any specific collaborators of the legal owner and operator of the "Businessverse" Platform, and is allowed only on the basis of the "Need to Know" Principle and with their prior assumption of appropriate confidentiality commitments.

11. Your rights

You have the right to access - Under this right you can request information about the personal data we hold about you. You can contact us at to provide you by email with a copy of your data held by us.

You have the right to portability - Whenever we process your personal data by automated means based on your consent, you have the right to request and obtain the transfer of a copy of your data. This copy must be in a structured, frequently used format and automatically processable by you or a third party. The right described relates only to personal data you have provided to us.

You have the right to rectification - You can request rectification of your personal data if they are incorrect. As part of the possibilities recognized by law you can also request the correction of your personal data processed by us that are incomplete..

You have the right to erasure of data - You have the right to obtain the erasure of any personal data processed by our company with the exception of those processed pursuant to mandatory legal provisions (such as accounting data) or when our legitimate interest justifies it (such as when we initiate legal proceedings against you).

You have the right to object to processing - You can object to the processing of your personal data on the basis of your legitimate interest. In such circumstances we will not continue to process your personal data unless we can demonstrate a legitimate reason for the processing which overrides your interests and rights or on the basis of legal proceedings.

You have the right to restrict processing - Under this right you can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • if you object to the processing on the basis of legitimate interest we will restrict any processing of this data until the legitimate interest is confirmed;
  • if you claim that your personal data is incorrect, we will restrict any processing of this data until the accuracy of the data has been verified.
  • if you consider the processing of your personal data to be unlawful, you may object to their deletion and request the restriction of the use of your personal data, except where we process them pursuant to mandatory legal provisions (such as accounting data) or where our legitimate interest justifies it.

12. How you can exercise your rights

Because we place a high importance on the protection of personal data, we have dedicated customer service staff to handle your requests regarding your rights as mentioned above. 

Our dedicated staff is always available to you at

If you consider that we are processing your personal data incorrectly, please contact us at this email address. If you do not wish to contact us by email, you have the possibility to exercise these rights, either individually or in aggregate, very easily by simply sending a written request to our head office.

However, whenever you wish, you have the right to complain to the relevant National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing.

13. Retention of personal data

We will keep your personal data for as long as your User account is active and linked to a Beneficiary account and for a further three years after the deactivation of your User account, unless we are obliged to keep it for a longer period of time under specific legislation such as tax legislation and legislation on the prevention and punishment of money laundering or other mandatory regulations or orders of authorities responsible for preventing and combating corruption, tax evasion or terrorism.

14. Communication of commercial information

Given that the commercial relationship that allows the use of the services of the "Businessverse" Platform is concluded between professionals, the services provided through the "Businessverse" Platform are not intended for natural persons, and you provide us, when creating your User account, with an email address by virtue of your capacity as representative/agent/agent of a legal person, referred to herein as "Beneficiary", we may send to this email address various commercial communications aimed at the performance of the contract between the parties in relation to access and use of the services of the "Businessverse" Platform, to promote services or business opportunities for the Beneficiary on whose behalf you are acting or similar, and which will never be aimed at the purchase of any product or service by individuals, and are not intended for them.

15. Protection of minors’ personal data 

The Services of the "Businessverse" Platform are intended exclusively for Professionals and, under no circumstances, are intended to be accessed by any person under the age of 18 or of legal age to be considered an adult, as provided for by the jurisdiction from which the User has access to our services or where he/she has his/her usual place of residence.

 The owner and/or legal operator of the "Businessverse" Platform does not knowingly or intentionally collect or store personal data concerning minors.

 If we become aware that personal data concerning minors has been collected on the "Businessverse" Platform, we will immediately deactivate the account of the User concerned.

16. Transfer of Users' personal data

In the event that the Businessverse Platform is involved in a transaction that directly or indirectly results in a change of ownership or operator, such as an acquisition by another company, a merger, or a sale of all or part of our assets, we reserve the right to transfer or assign Users' personal data to the new owner or operator of the Businessverse Platform. 

As part of such a transaction, all rights and obligations relating to the processing of Users' personal data will be assumed by the new owner or operator of the "Businessverse" Platform. In doing so, it will have to commit to the same level of protection of Users' personal data as described in this policy. 

In the same sense, we undertake to publicly announce, via the "Businessverse" Platform, any change that leads to a change of the legal ownership or operating company of the "Businessverse" Platform. 

The User acknowledges and agrees that in the event of bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, compulsory liquidation and/or assignment for the benefit of creditors and/or application of laws or equitable principles affecting creditors' rights generally, the owner or operator of the "Businessverse" Platform may not be able to control how Users' information will be treated, transferred or used.

17. Limitation of liability

The present rules of this Privacy Policy do not apply to services offered by other companies or individuals, including products or sites that may include the Businessverse Platform or other sites linked to the Platform. 

Our policy on the use of personal data does not cover the information practices of other companies and organizations that advertise the Businessverse Platform and that may use cookies, pixel tags and other technologies to serve and deliver relevant ads.

Although the owner and legal operator of the "Businessverse" Platform has taken all technical and organizational measures to prevent any unauthorized disclosure or processing of Users' personal data and to comply with the standards imposed by applicable laws, it cannot guarantee that such information will not be subject to unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction. 

The "Businessverse" platform has physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in place to protect personal information/data, which is stored on its own servers or on the servers of experienced and long-established hosting service providers and access to relevant data is appropriately limited based on the security policies used and in compliance with the "Need to Know" Principle. 

However, no method of data transmission over the Internet and no method of electronic data storage is absolutely secure and defects in hardware, software or data transmission networks of which we are unaware, or even the actions of malicious actors, can lead to undesirable situations of violation of Users' rights in relation to their personal data. 

If the owner and legal operator of the "Businessverse" Platform discovers a breach of the security systems, we will take appropriate measures to stop or mitigate the effects of such a situation on the Users' personal data, and we may, in this regard, also notify the competent authorities i as well as the persons concerned.

18. Amendment of this Policy

Our Personal Data Policy may change from time to time, and if we make material changes to it, we will provide notice through the “Businessverse” Platform or by other means in order to give you the opportunity to review the changes before they take effect. 

If you object to any changes, you may terminate your User status at any time by using the means made available to you for this purpose on the “Businessverse” Platform. 

Your continued use of the “Businessverse” Platform after we publish or send you notice of changes to this Privacy Policy means that you continue to consent to the collection, use and sharing – processing - of your personal data in accordance with the rules set forth in the new version of the Privacy Policy.